Is it time for a reexamination of the system we’ve developed?
Long copyright terms can actually discourage creativity.
Digitization is making it even easier for investment in public domain titles.
Unsurprisingly, @rgibli explains that authors benefit little from #copyright and their motivation for creation is rarely for economic gain, making it even easier for companies to take advantage of them because they don't have a union.
But new tech means that's no longer the case.
As @rgibli explains, it could not only create new revenue streams for authors (especially working with #libraries), but could also reduce the oligopolistic power of publishers.
I actually really love this, @rgibli.
It is also provides solutions that would make a big difference, while fitting within the framework of existing international treaties.
Unfortunately, I’ve found selfpub to be happy, if not celebratory, of long copyright terms. I’ve not noticed much critical appraisal of larger, systemic impacts among those authors.