Let’s call it “Charles Lister has lost everything.” Here’s why.

An honest discussion would begin by admitting that you have NOT been to Syria and you don’t know anything about the place apart from what interlocutors told you in hotels in Turkey
Lets pretend Lister has sources among global jihadists-and this really stretches our credulity to its limits-their presence is a result of policies advocated by Lister & his friends
No they have not, they have been reducing their presence and are limited to the Bukamal area on the border.
This is NOT TRUE, but even if it was it reveals Lister’s preference for Sunni sectarianism.
ISIS is recruiting in the Kurdish areas. The primary cause of ISIS’s birth & resurgence was a weak state, and Lister bears responsibility since he advocated weakening the Syrian state.
De-escalation saved 100s of thousands of lives & mitigated destruction. Only a malign person would call this malign.
Lister talks like he conducts field work but is just repeating opposition social media gossip.
What he means by leverage is the suffering of the Syrian ppl. Let them suffer under our sanctions until the regime offers us concessions. That hasn’t worked now & won’t work in the future.
Your policies caused this! until when should we expect the arsonist to be the fireman?