When I was married, my wife would get terrible migraines.
She would be out of commission for days.
When she gave me a heads up, I would grab the kids, make dinner, run her a hot bath or shower, rub her neck, turn down all the lights in our bedroom, etc.
This doesn’t change, because I made a commitment to her.
This is what a man does.
My wife was a huge part of my life, but I made her my whole life.
And that’s not what all this is about.
She had a servant, not a husband, not a PARTNER.
The point is, regardless of what I did for her, the love we shared is now gone because she didn’t respect me, and because I didn’t respect myself.
And there’s a HUGE difference.
When the going got tough, some people bolted. I was one.
But it was because I had deluded myself into understanding what marriage was supposed to be, instead of what it really is.
I was pretending. Life wasn’t. This was real.
And when the shit hits, that tells you who’s really in it to win it.
But they must first love themselves unconditionally, or it’s just make believe.
I lived my entire life for her, and with her now gone, who the hell was I?