@Channel4News said Trump has just announced it. Media reports that signing was imminent were published several hours ago. The EU announced the deal on July 15.

It arises from a WTO dispute, DS26, which the EU lost over its ban on beef from cattle with added hormones.
The eventual ruling was the EU didn't have scientific evidence to support its ban on the beef.
The US retaliated by charging tariffs on selected EU products (mainly luxury products, including some from Britain), that were so high imports were impossible.
Imports inside the quota are duty-free instead of the normal duty of €2,700–€4,700 per tonne. The prohibitive US tariffs were dropped.
So US suppliers found they had to compete with others for the 45,000-tonne tariff quota, and they struggled.
According to the EU, the tariff quota is still 45,000 tonnes, but 35,000 is reserved for the US, leaving 10,000 tonnes for other countries.

Here's @jendeben's report for Bloomberg:
bloomberg.com/news/articles/…) bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
7/7 ends
The details (thread above) show this is achieved by keeping other countries out of 35,000 tonnes of the 45,000-tonne tariff quota, so US beef has no non-EU competitors
"The Council will now recommend the agreement to the European Parliament for formal approval, so that it can enter into force in the near future."
Q: Where is the UK in this? How will it be split post-Brexit?