The original article by said lobbyist, also published in @sundaybusiness:… @SCC_Ireland

Here’s precisely what she wrote:

First, the 80% figure isn’t from McGlade & Ekins’ 2015 paper.
It’s from a famous 2011 Carbon Tracker report (pic1) that inspired an even more famous 2012 @billmckibben article (pic2; & if you haven’t read that, pls STOP & read now!…)

So no, “keep 80% in the ground” isn’t a misrepresentation of a paper published 4 years later by McGlade & Ekins.
McGlade & Ekins distinguish between ‘reserves’ & ‘resources’ (pic1).
Unburnable *current reserves* of oil & gas *for 2C* = relatively low for Europe per McG & E but it’s a v different story for overall resources!

CEO: “0.3% of the total global gas to be kept is in Europe” & “1% of the oil to be kept in the ground is in Europe”
McG & E: for 2C, 72% of Europe’s gas & 58% of its oil resource = unburnable even w/CCS.
Talk about “bamboozling” people with stats!
Here’s a recent peer-reviewed paper regarding Ireland’s fair share of the remaining global carbon budget:…

“the only plausible global effect of additional [fossil fuel] resource development (anywhere!) is additional future global CO2 emissions....” [cont.]
It wld be great to hear your response to this, @Irishoffshore - which country will “keep it in the ground”?…

In contrast, fossil fuel lobbyists consistently lobby in favour of the private interests they represent.