✅Empower fed courts to issue new Domestic Terrorism Prevention Orders to temporarily seize the gun of a suspected terrorist
🚩Avg 10K hate crimes involve guns every yr
🚩42% of mass shooters exhibit concerning behavior before their crimes.
✅Take executive action to close the online gun sales loophole by requiring platforms like ArmsList to perform background checks.
✅Issue ruling that “dealing in firearms” can mean private gun sales online for profit.
✅Immediately direct the National Counterterrorism Center to address the threat of global white-nationalist terrorism
✅Seek authority for domestic terrorism in its mission-currently prohibited
✅NCC has unique capabilities other agencies dont
✅Reverse President Trump’s dangerous efforts to deprioritize countering white supremacy
✅Commit $2 billion to investigate, disrupt, and prosecute domestic terrorists.
✅Trump has failed, but #KamalaWillAct

✅Co-Sponsor Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act
✅Repeatedly calls for prioritizing domestic terrorism
✅Holds Trump officials accountable