No Deal fails every brexit test - Money, Laws, Borders, Independence.
Explanation of the No Deal con and who might benefit.
How the long con got this far. Remainers we're not blameless
The US Trade deal fudge
Missing Negotiators
When Brexit was actually decided
USiNO the new brexit in name only.
So important
So little discussion
How to do Brexit.
So it's supported and implemented and remainers love it.
written July 18, based on yellowhammer it's 95% correct.
This is about accountability. If we can do detail on No Deal, how come our leaver politicians dont?
Where is duty to our citizens?
It's not like our grandparents and great grandparents died protecting us from this crap. Laughing at the hate mongers at home , and dying to stop them abroad
But anyway, FWIW, here you go.