The government offered financial compensation or relocation to affected turf cutters.
In Dec 2018, @KildareCoCo refused permission, mainly on biodiversity grounds.

Until recently it perhaps appeared to successive govts that those in other positions of power could be counted on to play ball - not anymore.
What do you do when independent bodies start to #UniteBehindTheScience & take decisions in the public good?
When An Bord Pleanála says ‘enough is enough’?
When power plants are gone from your energy plans?
When you promised to relocate people but shouldn’t have?
Presumably: get a just energy transition going like *YESTERDAY*. (Image: @selc_org)

After politely replying in turn, he had two words for the @Env_Pillar: “GET REAL”.
A true “physician, heal thyself” moment & one his successors may regret at their leisure.
But clearly the tide is turning in Ireland as people & authorities begin to #UniteBehindTheScience. ENDS/