Some of those who were chosen are messaging me about their guilt leaving children and women behind them.
"Maybe they die," one said.

Last summer, after similar protests, refugees were reportedly taken to underground prisons where at least one was tortured to death.
He still doesn't know. I can't get in touch with him after another crackdown on communication.
Remember, most detainees are young. It seems like they shouldn’t be dying with this frequency.

migration to Europe, particularly through the Khartoum Process & engagement in Libya, is clearly undermining its commitment to human rights and protecting the most vulnerable refugees." publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cm…

I've been trying to gather information about deaths in detention centres for months (see theguardian.com/commentisfree/… & thenational.ae/world/mena/he-…).
Great to see this being asked for.

"The EU is choosing to fund death camps in Libya rather than deal with issue of migrants seeking sanctuary in Europe"


A Libyan official said at least 10 people had died. euronews.com/2019/03/19/at-…

I'll also be on @PatKennyNT around 10.15am this morning, talking about this

Background on an expected new outbreak of conflict: middleeasteye.net/news/hoping-pe…
People locked up there are terrified & know the consequences if they speak about constant mistreatment.
“The truth is, without Operation Sophia-type missions, the Navy is nothing–well to me anyway,” one wrote.
irishtimes.com/news/ireland/i… @PeterMurtagh
"BREAKING #Libya: unconfirmed reports say #Tripoli airport has fallen to #LNA forces.
If so, currently the JRCC for search and rescue at sea is not active anymore, leaving the Libyan SAR zone completely unattended."

Their fears:
1. They'll be hurt or killed.
2. Abandoned without food/water.
3. Women raped.
4. Forced to fight.
5. Abducted/sold to traffickers.
"Who can we report? Only we can report to the God." soundcloud.com/user-60656923/…
"The Ain Zara detention centre had been impacted by heavy clashes for the past few days."

More info below & a picture from @Migrace_Organiz showing where Qasr bin Ghashir detention centre is located, right in the middle of warring forces. #libya #tripoli

HRW says some of the actions could constitute war crimes. theguardian.com/global-develop…

My report from yest: theguardian.com/global-develop… #libya

When I asked if they got fed today, he said: “At this time we don’t care about food, only how we can survive our life.”

Read here: telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/04/2…

"We don't have any food from any NGO. Like me, people don't have money... It is very hard."
-my latest AJE report, on slow starvation in Libyan migrant dcs.
"[We don't care] about the scarcity of food, but we care about our life. How to leave the worst country of Libya to safe place. Please, do your best to evacuate us to a safe place."

The head of the militia that runs the centre, Mohammed Kachalf, was sanctioned in 2018 for human trafficking. un.org/securitycounci…

Thanks so much to the team there @rachel_hump @GuardianAnushka @harrietgrant @anniekelly theguardian.com/news/audio/201…

“Really very frightening. Everyone is so worried.”
“Migrants are targeted by everyone." irishtimes.com/news/world/afr…
One messaged me about his guilt at leaving others behind: "I am not happy. My spirit is with them. While I went out yesterday I saw heartbreaking looks from them."
"Hits the military camp located few meters from behind our wall" - a refugee there messaged me.
"Every two weeks one person died in the detention. Maybe you will (be) surprised. Death is nothing, just that is our fate."
2/ #libya

"My team continues to assess the feasibility of bringing cases before the ICC in relation to crimes against migrants." icc-cpi.int/Pages/item.asp…

@HAMIEHAMIE1 is one of several posting updates.
This is not true. I'm a journalist so professionally can't advise sources of anything.

Some messages I was receiving from detained refugees there on those dates:

A Qasr bin Ghashir shooting survivor who expects to be among the next group told me he still can't believe it, & is worried for everyone left behind him.
Many were moved to Zintan to be "out of harm's way" during Tripoli clashes last year.

Some messages he had sent me before: aljazeera.com/news/2019/05/l…

I wrote about Zintan & Gharyan before here: aljazeera.com/indepth/featur… #libya
They're expressing appreciation for MSF, who have begun working in the centre.
Again, this is the dc where at least 22 people have died & a recent UN report said more than 80% may have tuberculosis. #libya

22 refugees & migrants dead (incl a father & child); more than 80% may have TB. irishtimes.com/news/world/afr…
This comes just days after a visit by the Italian ambassador.

"I had no choice & accepted."
I was the first person to speak to him about it since.
"The European Union & the UNHCR must bear responsibility for this massacre," he says. It's not the fault of Libyans so much as the international community that failed to protect them.
1. theguardian.com/global-develop…
2. irishtimes.com/news/world/afr…
3. telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/04/2… #libya