Former Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe is dead at the age of 95.
He had a close relationship with #Iran's dictatorship, including "hardliners" and "reformists."

October 2008:
"... as the int'l community Mugabe's regime in Zimbabwe, Tehran has reached out to fill the gap."
"When Zimbabwe held presidential elections in March 2008, and the West feared vote rigging, Iran and China were among the few foreign teams allowed in."
"Iran rehabilitated an oil refinery in Zimbabwe, and in April 2010 Robert Mugabe assured Ahmadinejad of Zimbabwe's continuous support of "Iran's just cause on the nuclear issue."
April 2010:
"Iran and Zimbabwe signed a secret deal last month which may help the Islamic Republic take one significant step forward towards nuclear independence."
March 2011:
"... there have been a number of high-level trips and exchanges between Iranian diplomats and Zimbabwean mining officials."
Aug 2013:
"The deal for the sale on uranium deposits was reportedly signed last year and is in direct contravention of international sanctions imposed on both Tehran — for its nuclear ambitions — and the Mugabe government — for its human rights abuses."
January 2015:
"... cyber and surveillance technology, meant to keep Harare's foreign policy foes at bay, while ratcheting up suppression and snooping on political opposition and other organisations it considers as a national security threat..."
August 2017:
Mugabe has reportedly attended the swearing-in ceremony of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.
Dec 2017:
"Tehran, has been involved in massive training programs of Zimbabwe's Intelligence and Military operatives," in an attempt to increase the country’s cyber warfare capabilities.