Anti democracy, Neoliberal Globalist Fascist extremist @GuyVerhofstadt calls for the "New World Order" & " a European Empire".
This is straight out of the Nazi playbook.
The EU will become even more authoritarian, dictatorial & corrupt over time.
An elderly woman beaten up by Spanish Riot Police for wanting to vote "the wrong way" in the 2017 #CatalanReferendum.
There is NO democracy in the EU.
Which of you guys voted for the bunch of corrupt, incompetent, failures appointed as the next EU Presidents & Commissioners?
Please explain to me how I can vote them out of power.
This is Mob Rule, making Germany more powerful & enabling more extreme policies
In 2015 we were told we were "crazy conspiracy theorists" for saying the EU was planning an EU Army.
Now the plans are well advanced & Theresa May signed the UK up to them in 2018.
It is to oppress Europeans as the EU becomes increasingly impoverished under the yoke of the Globalists & take what Macron is doing to the #GiletsJaunes to the next level.
Why aren't Remainiacs screaming against this?