Sep 26th 2019, 9 tweets, 4 min read Read on Twitter
At this time 25 yrs ago I was sitting in a meeting at Ft. Campbell's Saber Army Airfield when I was asked to step into the flight planning room where a dozen folks waited to tell me my then pregnant wife had been killed in a car accident off post. The world lost an amazing soul.
1994 was before social media so you won't find hardly anything about Jennifer Hart Wellman online but she deserves to be remembered. She came into my life at West Point and immediately made it brighter, funnier...and crazier. Like sneaking into the barracks disguised as a Cadet.
Jenn knew the words to every song ever written and would belt them out while driving on our many road trips to visit family in Albany, St. Louis or Florida. She loved rabbits so much we ended up with house bunnies eventually with names like Conan the Bunbarian and Attilla the Bun
When I struggled in school and it looked like I wouldn't get my 1st choice branch as an Aviator she told me "look...I'm not marrying a tanker." She refused to see me until I did all of my homework and helped me study. I jumped 30 people in the class and made Dean's list.
We broke up while I was in Flight School and reunited 2 yrs later when I was with the 24th ID at Hunter AAF and got re-engaged. When Desert Storm kicked off months later I knew she would only get support if she was a spouse so off to the courthouse we went on our lunch hour.
Being a good Catholic she wanted a proper church wedding when I got back from the war. Her parents were very involved in the church but didn't tell the priest we were already married. This made for a very awkward pre-nuptial counseling when the priest slammed his notebook shut.
She dreamed of being a mother. It took us a year to get pregnant and a lot of crazy advice on how to make it happen. Some of my last memories of her are she carefully folding and re-folding our baby's outfits as her due date neared. She was ready to bring new life into our home.
Then one Monday she got up to make me lunch, walked me to the door and stood on the porch waving as I headed to work. Hours later they were gone. I've been so fortunate to build a new life, find love again, have 4 amazing kids and even a grandson now. She's been there all along.
So, don't feel bad for me. Just know that someone named Jenn Wellman blessed our world for 28 yrs with a laugh that filled a room; a mischievous smile that meant trouble; an Irish Catholic stubbornness; dimples and a tiny upturned nose. Thanks Jenny-Kate for being part of my life
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