"contemporary philosophy of religion is basically just like studying medieval philosophy, except not as interesting and you don't have to learn Latin" (p. 6).
I think I need to keep a tally.
It's a good question. Who did teach him, do we know?
Was this a common thing in his time, or was he just weird? I thought heliocentrism wasn't a thing until much, much later.
I'm feeling called out.
And I only squawked in outrage once while reading them. :
#Truth #WorkedForMe

Learn everything, and afterwards you will find that nothing was superfluous.
But how is this squared with classical Greek prophets, and the intimation that particular historical events were not important for Greek philosophers?
Isn't reading great.
SEE?! That's why it's PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE to describe one thing as "more unique" than another thing. Because it is unique on MORE DIMENSIONS. Because there is more than one way two things can be different!
And now I want to write Frege/Abelard fanfic.
Actually, I'd call that rather fortunate...
Last night G told me that whatever she might compare me to, I'd come out better. I asked her if I was better than anything she could conceive of. She said yes.
So, tweeps, what is it that makes you YOU, a singular and individual person? Philosophicl and non philosophical answers desired!
I can't help but wonder how his attempts compared to my university's centralisation of admin (finance, admissions, research support, etc.).
And yet, how often is this text treated centrally _in philosophy courses_?
I'm still miffed Eloise didn't get a chapter of her own.
It's a fact that in medieval Europe, A-names are disproportionately popular. 1/2