Well, if you’re interested, here’s the answer I gave.
But there’s a background that needs to be explained first so that context is understood!
I went to boarding house and after a few terms, my mind was reconditioned. I woke up, slept, ate, did homework, played and used the toilet according to a strict schedule. My freedom was taken and replaced with instructions or commands.
Or a soldier under authority being asked to reason: he absolutely can’t. He can only take & execute commands without considering consequences. Responsibility of his actions lie with his commander.
Their minds were irreversibly broken
They needed a translator from freedom to bondage
Hence the commandments.
I ignorantly drove against traffic once and LASTMA stopped me and showed me the “one way” sign that I missed. Once I realized my error, I pleaded and explained my ignorance and he let me go. It was an honest mistake.
It was again, a mistake, just not an innocent one.
These 3 “mistakes” in Hebrew bible terms have 3 different words describing them, having different meanings and weights but all translated to “sin” in English.
Unlike commonly propagated, God is not unreasonable - there’s always a sensible reason for everything that occurs. We don’t know all of them & can’t figure it all out, but from those we now now know, we should be sensible enough to trust him...but we aren’t.
Today, even if I don’t wash my hands, I’ll definitely wash my fork & knife. Strictly speaking, I’m breaking “commandments” pooping right in my bedroom, but I understand that as long as I flush and take it out, I’m safe
Knowledge of the inevitability of their nature and of the reasons of God brings freedom. Having a period is natural and the “mistake” comes from not handling the hygiene risks properly.
Just like typhoid is the consequence of pooping and eating without washing your hands. Consequence, not punishment.
A lot of people live in bondage of guilt, suffer and die unnecessarily because of their ignorance.
Knowledge of the fact that you can search the reason for instruction & tweak to suit your circumstance, brings freedom.
Christ came to set you free. Freedom from guilt. The guilt or mistakes you are bound to make!
If there is no command, you can not err. Advise is freely given and freely taken. If you choose unwisely, you will suffer consequence.
Don’t be an Eskimo forced to wear expensive linen, you will die
Knowledge brings freedom.