Nothing -- absolutely nothing, bold, hyphened, with a billion asterisks -- could have prepared me for what I saw her do at #CaringWell.
Think about that.
This is her story, for those who don't know:
It lasted a few days.
She has not once stopped fighting for justice.
I told her that she was too stubborn to let that happen, and she laughed.
@toddbenkert and @eric_costanzo were there. They listened for an hour and a half.
But here's what stood out to me: The sense of guilt that Debbie, decades after her abuse, felt. Her shame that she "hadn't done more" to stop others.
She said: "I probably only have a few days left, and I want people to know my story. It's the only way we'll stop this."
"I hope you are doing well. I read this article “Caring well? Speaker says Baptist Press reported abuse disclosure as a consensual affair." Have you all read this? I find this upsetting as the Baptist Press did this to me as well."