*Actions pertaining to the Sugar Pine Trail Park and Ride Project at the southwest corner of Willow Avenue and
Approve a Contract with Landscape Maintenance of America dba California Highway Adoption Co. in the amount of $197,376 to provide monthly highway litter control along California State Routes 41, 99, 168 and 180. (Citywide).

Dan Zack says there isn’t a ratio. Arias: we found sites in past but those sites were not used for affordable housing and NOW we have to look to Downtown to make up for it? Zack: not
@MiguelArias_D3 This is just for introduction today. Council ad-hoc has met 6 times. Are looking at other cities plans. One advantage for being one of the last

Harry Harris, PHD, by Councilmember Mike Karbassi;
Detective Danny Kim, by Council President Paul
Sunnyside Principal Tim Liles, @SHSregion by Councilmember Chavez

Will we
*Actions pertaining to the Sugar Pine Trail Park and Ride Pro-
NOVEMBER 7, 2019 - 9:00 A.M. MEETING NOVEMBER 14, 2019 - 9:00 A.M. MEETING NOVEMBER 21, 2019 - NO MEETING NOVEMBER 28, 2019 - NO MEETING
DECEMBER 5, 2019 - 9:00 A.M. MEETING DECEMBER 12 9:00 A.M.