Me: “Okay. Walk me through what happened.”
Him: "Started with a bit of nausea first. The pain in my abdomen and vomiting didn't start until that evening. I'd been in queue at the grocery store. I thank the good Lord that I was able to make it out of those sliding doors."
Me: “So you vomited as soon as you got outside?"
Him: "Indeed, Dr. Manning. And it was just terrible. I did feel better for a beat but not even 30 minutes later, it returned. Fortunately, I was home by then."
A beat.
Him: "Want to see who can guess where the other is from first?"
Me: *squinting one eye playfully* "Oh yeah. Game on, sir."
He narrowed his eyes, folded his arms, and sniffed once.
Him: "Big city. Not the south."
Me: *eyes widening*
Him: “Knew it. Your turn.”
I curled my lips and nodded.
Me: "Caribbean? West Indies?"
Him: *face impassive*
Me: “Well?”
Him: *bobbles head* "Eh . . .somewhat. Depends upon whom you ask."
I clapped and let out a victorious laugh.
Him: “What was that for?”
Me: “HA! I know the answer!”
Him: "I doubt that, Dr. Manning."
He laughed at my self-congratulatory naïveté. Then he raised one eyebrow and pointed at me.
Him: "You . . .are from . . . California. Los Angeles would be my guess."
My face gave it all away.
Him: “Ha! Knew it!”
*high five over the tray table *
Me: “Man. You're good."
Him: *smug shrug in reply*
Me: “Okay but. . .You DO know I know where you're from don’t you?”
Him: “I think you’re just trying to get me to talk more for clues. But that won’t help you.”
He laughed again. I snorted back.
Him: “I’m waiting.”
Me: “Wait. Are you trashtalking, sir?”
Finally, I took out a paper scrap, wrote on it, and slammed it on the tray table like a royal flush. I pushed it forward then leaned back in the bedside chair with my hands splayed open.
But not before dropping my pen like a mic for effect.
(Pretty much exactly like this.)
And you may wonder how I knew. It's because I was taught by a nurse several years before.
“No one seems to even know where Guyana IS,” she’d said.
“It’s in the Caribbean. . . near Trinidad. . . right?”
“Eh. . .”
Then she schooled me on her home country.
Here's what I know for sure:
The need for cultural competence isn't limited to certain people. Slowing down and listening gives us some mighty lessons.
About people.
About places.
And sometimes? About geography.
#iseeyou #diversitymatters #try