The Trump-FOX-GOP hates what America became after the Civil Rights and women's rights movement.
The once-conservative GOP has morphed into a reactionary party.
The "again" in MAGA is a pining for a [mythic] past .
They want to return to the Good Ole Days. . .
💠When the frontier was open, they could grab land.
💠Before 1863, they could grab people and enslve them.
💠Before modern rape and sexual harassment laws, they could grab women⤵️
🎶Those were the days🎶
How do you think the Trump’s got rich?👇
When Trump said "all our laws are stupid and corrupt," he meant the laws that prevented him from grabbing whatever he wants:…
You can dismantle the agencies slowly.
Or you can bring in a human wrecking ball.
Trump is a human wrecking ball.
McConnell & pals closed their eyes to Trump’s Russia connections because they know their interests Russia are tightly aligned.
"What?" you say. See:
They admire Putin and Russia.
Russia has been beckoning (@TimothyDSnyder's word) to America's far right wing for decades . . .
Richard Spencer, a leading American white supremacist, called Russia the “sole white power in the world.”…
From page 3 of one of his Pretrial Motions:…
I could go on and on.
The Fox-Trump-GOP is in love with Russia 💕

The liberal view is different, and goes like this: America started out with some good ideas. Unfortunately, they only applied to a small group: well-educated white men.
Because they want to destroy, reactionaries are dangerous.
The good news: We outnumber them, and we're still a democracy.
That's why I keep posting my list:
I knew how you meant it. I just felt like having a Twitter Tirade.
Right now, the State Dept. and National Security professionals are testifying to Congress that Trump and Giuliani's behavior in Ukraine endangered American national security.
Well, what they are doing is only a danger . . .
If, on the other hand, you think the US would be better off allied with Russia, and that . . .
That's why Trump doesn't think he did anything wrong.
Dare I say, that's why @senatemajldr @GOPLeader @DevinNunes and pals are backing Trump.
They prefer a Russia-USA alliance.