It shows "this pontificate is a place of spiritual combat."
@austeni wants to illustrate this through the the story of the Amazon Synod from which he has just returned.
All Francis does is geared to this, to bring the Church closer to the wounds of humanity.
The opposition said this was HERESY.
"The People of God speak and they are told they are heretics, the People of God pray and they are told they are pagans."
Or fury elicited by photo of Pope Francis meeting with @JamesMartinSJ
"I don't think I'm saying anything controversial."
Their views lead to reduction of faith to ideology.
He is speaking @CRCfordham event on his newest biograqphy of Pope Francis.
Constant appeal to "Truth" but always starts with a sense of anxiety. They always lament "confusion" and regurgitate banal bits of catechism.
"Who's confused? says @austeni "I'm not confused."
"Reason they have success is that their pronouncements are suited to our post-truth environment." says @austeni
They have a "post-truth theology," says @austeni in a good coinage.
@austeni calls it "narrative nonfiction" and rejects critique of "hagiography."
Iveriegh note Francis himself is an outsider, but one can exaggerate that. He's not a maverick. He comes out of a deep ecclesiastical tradition in Latin America.
Reform from within, I guess. Thoughts?
Ivereigh says Francis' reform of the priesthood (and training of priests) has been much deeper and little noticed
@austeni says it's not universal, notes Cdl Dolan said he wouldn't withhold Communion from Joe Biden as an SC priest did.
Pull back from culture wars, expand the feast, go to the peripheries.
The effort to reconquer the public square politically has failed.
@austeni notes how close Francis is to charismatic renewal. if you compare Francis speeches with predecessors the Holy Spirit is much more present. And JOY.
One of most remarkable aspects of this papacy says Austen is outreach to Evangelicals and Pentecostals.