“Less is more.”
And so should you.
It will confuse the living daylights out of you. Your performance will stink.
So much so, it is becoming harder & harder to exercise your judgement with clarity so that you can make the right business and investment decisions that will pay off.
As Munger explains, even the great investors only have 1 or 2 opportunities every single year which “might” work.
Continue to slowly buy some global stocks. $VT $ACWI
It won't.
If this research had a guarantee it will work, do you think these content producers would be selling it for small bucks?
I think Ray Dalio spelled it out in his book The Principals quite well. Surround yourself with people that have a proven track record (transparency).
People who will not be your "yes men".
Instead of getting any old tip from a newsletter on what to buy or sell, stop and remember that "less is more."
Ask yourself: “How might I be wrong with this idea?”
Instead of focusing on more ideas, focus on less to gain clarity & focus. Place your ego aside, let others criticize you & improve as a result.
It will help you outperform!