-He embodies American dream: self-made, not-inherited, chip on his shoulder, rejected, fired
-He is quantitative, data-driven, empirical––relying on facts, statistics and analysis to make imperfect decisions with imperfect information
And while there is no doubt he is the boss
He rejects closed-office heirarchy.
Here at his desk at Bloomberg.
Open set-up...
Corruption was gone
SMOKING went down
CRIME rate + PRISON pop. *both* Fell
BIKE lanes + citibikes began + expanded
ARTS flourished (paid out of his own pocket!)
EDU rose + school reform had incredible improvement
He is a role model any parent would want their kid to aspire to in his class (not crass), his value of education + intellect, his respect for human dignity, military, immigrants, entrepreneurial achievement, extreme philanthropy + generosity.