They begin with morning prayer.
-New program of priestly formation
-ICEL translation of RCIA
+DiNardo introduces new bps
+Bill Joensen of DesMoines
+(elect)Vetter, to soon be installed in Helena
Bps now pray for recently deceased bps. (Media does not have the list)
+Leveda is among the recently deceased, as is +Morlino, who died unexpectedly in Nov. 2018
"We prayerfully turn our thoughts to Your Holiness."
THIS IS LIVE. Quotes in "..." are as accurate as I can make them. If I am summarizing what someone says, and don't use "..." summary is mine, and not a direct quote.
(those bishops are participating from the North American College.)
This means it is no longer considered a "mission diocese" by the Holy See.
+Boyea asks if an oral report on the status of the Vatican McCarrick report can be added to the agenda.
+Strickland seconds.
No discussion. Voice vote- a few bps vote "nay," but it is added to the agenda.
I echo the request for the investigation request on McCarrick. (that had just been added to the agenda when +Strickland 'echoed the request' that it be added to the agenda.)
Also asks that adoration be added to all agendas.
+DiNardo now discussing "information reports" from each of the committees of the conference. Such reports are not, insofar as I know, publicly available.
No one is interested in doing so.
"I am very happy to be with you here in Baltimore, and I greet you in the name of Pope Francis...."
+Pierre says that he has been meeting with priests and religious across the US, proposing topics for reflection and discussion, as Pope Francis did for nuncios in June.
"You are concerned not only about the present state of the Church, but all about its future."
Have we been forward thinking, or do we find ourselves in the position of being reactive.
"Efforts to evangelize are the work of the whole Church, and necessarily involve clergy, religious, and laity."
Encourages younger bishops to find mentors, and encourages older bishops to share the wisdom of experience.
Says younger bps have something to offer to older bps- mentions evangelizing through technology.
-It is good to reflect on how we express our communion with the Holy Father
-People are becoming more judgmental and less willing to forgive, as evidenced by polarization in US.
-healing from crisis should include establishing communion and trust.
Mentions that widespread use of foreign priests, and priests having multiple assignments, requires intentional planning about priestly fraternity.
Evangelii Gaudium "should be the framework for evangelization."
This would be a tangible sign of communion with the Holy Father.
"The pastoral thrust of this pontificate...must reach the American people."
-Mentions Amoris Laetitia. Says that Laudato si has been very well received by young people.
-"our communion with the Holy Father to make his magisterium better known among our people."
"The burdens of ministry can easily impact us." It is good to reflect on our enthusiasm for our ministry when first we were called to be bishops.
"Are we still zealous for the Lord."
+Pierre gets standing ovation from bps at speech concludes.
Sirach: "Speak concisely, say much in few words."
+DiNardo- I will try to follow the wisdom of Sirach.
-I remember long lines for confession at border facilities, and the hope of children separated from parents.
"Along with my brother bishops we went to the border b/c Jesus was already there."
May we accompany migrants as Jesus accompanies us in our struggles.
-People are pregnancy centers are "doing God's work."
-so are:
-policy advocates.
"If you are a mother feeling alone and considering abortion, please know that a compassionate voice will answer and help you find resources."
-We must continue to work to end abortion.
-My life has been changed by meeting with the victims of abuse.
-Their witness brought hope and help to other survivors, and helped to catalyze child protection policies.
"By sharing their pain, survivors empower us with the knowledge needed to respond."
-We must never stop striving for safe environments.
-the measures we passed in June are a good beginning, but only a beginning.
-We must continue to strive for justice, relationships ordered in the right way-- toward the salvation of souls, including our own.
-We must try to end clericalism. "The privilege of a cleric is to be a servant to all."
-A renewed impetus toward evangelization must + will be required as an intensified sense of missionary discipleship.
"To be on mission with the People of God is a great blessing."
-V Encuentro was a great privilege for me.
-At Encuentro + 2017 Convocation of Catholic Leaders, there was an enthusiasm for the Kingdom of God.
-In my presidency, I am reminded that the light shines in the darkness but that the darkness has not overcome it."
-We should be civil and courteous even in these troubled times. "God is always courteous. Let us be courteous."
Augustine, "one of my heroes" always said: "That there be a beginning, human beings were made."
"Let's begin anew. Thank you brothers for the last 3 years."
Gets LONG standing ovation
+Kalabat, a member of the council, introduces them.
The NAC is a consultative group of laity, priests, bps and religious advising USCCB
-I'm honored to give you a report of the Sept meeting of the NAC.
-NAC seeks to reflect "the Church in miniature."
-Our responsibility is to give our reaction to conference action items, and to give recommendations.
Raines mentions NAC provided feedback on the 6th edition of the Program of Priestly Formation, recommended PPF be voted on, supported follow-up on V Encuentro, and supported discussion of new statement on Hispanic ministry.
NAC affirms efforts on "forming consciences for faithful citizenship," but encourages a stronger strategy for conscience development.
-promotion of vocations within Hispanic communities.
-greater Eucharistic preaching and catechesis.
-that bishops call for times of prayer, fasting and violence, to address violence in society.
-that work be done to make Catholic education affordable.
-Thank you +Kalabat, +Thompson, +Bradley, +Olson, bps who serve on the NAC.
-"This has been a tremendously difficult year for our survivors and their families. For our clergy and the lay faithful."
We must be vigilant, and help to restore trust in the Church.
Next on agenda is preliminary presentations of the action items upon which the bps will vote tomorrow.
After presentations, the bps can ask questions and propose amendments. But debate on the action items will be tomorrow.
Presented by +Joe Tobin.
-This is not a new doc, but we have been revising it for the past four years.
-This version incorporates 2016 norms (ratio) from the Holy See on priestly formation.
-Many USCCB cmte weighed in.
(+Tobin is chair of the clergy, consecrated life, and vocations cmte)
-PPF focuses on benchmarks- outcomes that must be achieved by seminarian before moving on to next stage of formation.
-Weight in PPF6 is given to "stages" rather than academic year.
-Sem must grow into priestly identity as he is formed.
+Tobin will now take questions.
-ICEL has proposed new translation of the rites of the RCIA, called the "Order of Christian Initiation of Adults."
-Latin edition of OCIA is arranged in a matter that is not user friendly. We have been using a book with supplements for the last 30 years.
-Cmte on divine worship is of the mind that we should continue using a book with supplementary material. Vatican would support that idea.
+Blair- committee would like to vote *solely* on the translation of the rites tomorrow, and then have a vote on an expanded book l8r.
+DiNardo: Any questions for clarification?
There are none.
The bishops called for this b/c Faithful Citizenship is very long.
13 bps have been working on this.
Script drafts are designed to maintain a careful balance among various concerns, and are the fruit of a lot of work.
There are 5 video scripts under consideration.
Scripts are intentionally short, emphasize faith over politics, reflect teachings of Pope Francis.
The five scripts are: 4 90-second videos, and then a 6 minute video comprised of the 4 strung together.
If approved, we will being producing videos immediately, so they can be done by early 2020.
I notice we are not discussing Faithful Citizenship itself. Why not?
The body decided to keep the statement.
No vote on it?
I need to go to the little tweeters' room, and get some coffee.