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May 24th 2023
@guyverhofstadt @PM_ViktorOrban #EUArchives.
“The #Nazi Roots of the ‘#Brussels EU’” proves that the key architects of the #EuropeanUnion were recruited from among the same technocrats who had previously designed the plans for a post-#WW2 #Europe under the #control of the Nazis.…
@guyverhofstadt @PM_ViktorOrban The Hidden #Nazi Background Of #WalterHallstein, #Founding #President Of The Brussels #EUCommission | June 3, 2016
- #Hallstein’s role representing the Nazi government in official state negotiations…
@guyverhofstadt @PM_ViktorOrban Angela #Hitler '#Merkel'
cc: @ TaranQ
Another addition is the fact that #Merkel (#Hitler's daughter) now admits that the #Minsk peace agreements were never meant to establish peace, but just to give #Ukraine TIME to PREPARE for the #war against #Russia.
Read 9 tweets
May 7th 2023
@MoilanenAnne #kokoomus -'moraali' avautuu:
1149. Sauli #Niinistö 'juristina' | 20. 8.2018
- "Raamattu voi kieltää, kun taas LAKI ei voi. Lakikirja voi VAIN määrätä jostain teosta rangaistuksen".
- valmistui oikeustieteen kandidaatiksi erittäin heikoilla arvosanoilla.
@MoilanenAnne Juristitaustainen #Niinistö takelteli #sananvapaus'en rajoista | 09.12.2017
- #yliopiston todistus - Arvosanat olivat siinä heikoimmat mahdolliset, sikäli kuin yliopistosta valmistumiseen tarvitaan.
- Samaa on sanottava Niinistön #lukio -todistuksestakin.
@MoilanenAnne #VirkaMafia - Elvytyskusetus #ElvytyspakettiTutkintapyyntö. Liitetiedostona oleva tutkintapyyntö on tullut vireille ja koskee istuvan presidentin Sauli #Niinistö'n johdolla toteutettua törkeää #valtiopetos: ta ja siihen liittyviä rikoksia.
Read 11 tweets
May 7th 2023 Read 13 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
@ZelenskyyUa c: @ ivan_8848
The #war in #Ukraine started on Feb 16.
#Russia #responded 8 days LATER by preempting the Ukrainian ground assault on #Donbas.
People are dying in a #US #proxywar that was deliberately #provoked by the US-centralized empire.
@ZelenskyyUa The conflict in #Ukraine was not opened by #Russia on Feb 24, but by #Ukraine a WEEK BEFORE.
- The #OSCE #France is a witness to this.
#BULLETINNo27 | MAR 2022
- Il pourrait s’agir de #mercenaires de la #CIA..
@ZelenskyyUa cc: @i van_8848
📷#Putin announces '#specialoperation' in #Donbass Last warning 📷 Fulfil the #MinskAgreements! After 8 years of asking, this was President Putin's last ask in late 2021 - allow the Donbass to have a #referendum.
Read 24 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
@IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 #Donbass #Genocide. Those who #illegally sold #weapons to #Ukraine should have been caught by now.
Pres Sauli #Niinistö: '#Finland does not give arms aid to Ukraine' | 02/05/2015
- 'The hand grenade pin is off and variations of the #WW3 have taken place'
@IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 #PatriaGate. Sauli #Niinistö dealt 200 armored vehicles to the Ukrainian army
-As early in the year, Niinistö declared that #Finland would not provide arms assistance to #Ukraine.
Read 39 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
@ZelenskyyUa #Zelensky's adviser, #Arestovich, is also telling the TRUTH.
- The whole idea of #Ukraine and the #West too is to #lie as much as possible to oneself and others and the whole structure #collapses if they start telling the #truth.
@ZelenskyyUa #Arestovich (#Zelensky's former advisor) condemns Zelensky for #war against #ethnic #Russians & #Christianity | 17.1.2023
- The popular advisor of Zelensky #resigned shortly this interview.
@ZelenskyyUa cc:@ ivan_8848
War Is Inevitable?
The #war in #Ukraine started on Feb 16.
Russia #responded 8 d later by preempting the Ukrainian ground assault on #Donbas.
People are dying in a #US #proxy war that was deliberately #provoked by the US-centralized empire
Read 24 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
The line ups for the North American City Flags Tournament are ready. Flags are from USA and Canada, and are all adopted to the best of my knowledge from 2000 to present. There's one from 1999 in one division, but I make the rules, so I can allow exceptions. Image
I've selected 80 of the best and pretty good flags since 2000 (with the one from 1999). An 80 flag full elimination setup means a lot of good flags may get eliminated too early, so I'm using a bit of the World Cup process with round-robins and elimination rounds.
City flags are placed in four geographic divisions:

Great Plains
Atlantic Image
Read 24 tweets
Sep 10th 2022
ES Short Squeeze - Stock market lookin good,
#Cryptocurrency #Market/#Bitcoin market analysis 9/9
So, there was a short squeeze. A really, really big one. A lot of weird crap happened, but a lot of people keep looking in the wrong place.
Why? Because it's the $SPY that gapped up on it's futures, not some magic $BTC move as BTC follows the SPY these days.
Notice the $ES moving up here, hours before BTC follows. Why would anyone wait for this or even care? But I digress, that's not what we're here for. How is all that doing anyway?
Read 16 tweets
Sep 5th 2022
Dear Investors friends, creating a master #Thread documenting all #Important Links, Sites, Knowledge sources, Stocks currently I'm #Bulish on, etc. (1/n)
#Sharewolves #Educational #TechnicalAnalysis #LearnTechnicals #LearnnEarn #ProTrader #NiftyBullWave
Top websites for Fundamental & Technical Screener:
Best sites for #TechnicalAnalysis Studies:
Read 9 tweets
Apr 14th 2022
1/3. The #War Between The #Empire & #Russia.
Ambushing the Flag ship.
Near "#Attacked" #Russian #Cruiser #Moskva
was a #US Boeing P8 Poseidon
anti-submarine aircraft seen on #Flightradar,
noticing #Suspicious #Activity
on the day 👇👇 of the incident.
👉…👈 Image
2/3. The #War is Between The #Empire & #Russia.

April 12, 05:30 CET, the "Day #Before",
Northrop Grumman RQ-4b #Global #Hawk,
"Forte 10", High Altitude Reconnaissance Drone
Cost: $ 222.7 #Million -2013
Was doing a full 👇👇 sweep over the #Black #Sea:
👉👈 Image
3/3. The #War is Between The #Empire & #Russia.

Preparing the #Coordinated #Ambush
of #Russia's #Flag Ship in OPEN #Sea.

April 4, 00:47 CET:
Started from a Rumanian NATO-Base,
USAF RQ-4B 👇👇 FORTE10 now up over the Black Sea:
👉👈 Image
Read 5 tweets
Mar 25th 2021
Academic hat on.

🇬🇧 #Flag THREAD 🇬🇧

We know #flags are powerful symbols of national identity, & we know they have different meanings, for different individuals, & in different countries, largely dependent upon history.

But generally, this a surprisingly under-researched area.
#Flags evoke a very wide range of emotions, including pride, patriotism, egalitarianism & unity. However, we also know they can evoke a sense of national superiority.

They've been widely used as #propaganda, both good & bad.

The Nazis focused on division & national superiority.
I just want to flag up (see what I did there?) some interesting research.

The first is from 2017: 'What Do National Flags Stand for? - An Exploration of Associations Across 11 Countries'…
Read 26 tweets
Mar 20th 2021
British Flags That are Better Than The Union Jack: a thread for #FlagShaggers

Starting with the champ, the final boss of flags


Red Dragon on a field of green. Nothing comes close to how cool this flag is. Why? Motherfudging dragon pal. That’s why!

10/10 perfect #flag Image
Coming in at a close second it’s the big yin, the Saltire, ol’ Billy Blue Cross. The Scottish Flag

It’s big it’s bold, it’s stylish yet simple. Like the Scots it’s blue because it’s cold and it’s white because they’re pale because it’s cold. Classic

9/10 Image
Oh did you think we were done with Scotland? No! Number three best British flag: The Royal Banner Of Scotland

Just look at this beast. Gold. Red. Lion with blue claws! This flag is sassy and she knows it. She’s so fierce it would win season one of Ru Paul’s Flag Race. Love it A+ Image
Read 14 tweets
Oct 4th 2020
Important chart pattern in technical analysis . If we go towards lower TF to higher TF the success rate of that patterns increases
#techicalanalysis (weekend learning)


Double top has 70% success rate , it normally formed when stock at their peak

@sanstocktrader Image

Double bottom is just opposite of double top . Its success rate also 70% according to technical boys , it is normally formed when price is rejected to go lower from previous low

@PAVLeader Image

Cup&handle pattern is also very popular pattern that normally formed when stock normally got corrected & again come to same level .its success rate also good 60%.

@rohanshah619 Image
Read 8 tweets
Dec 12th 2019
“Don’t erase my #flag
Supporters fill #Miami City Hall to argue vs painting over the #PuertoRico mural on La Placita #restaurant , Biscayne Blvd #MIMO district.
City says it doesn’t fit the #historic district; owners say city already permitted it.
Stay tuned...
@WPLGLocal10 1/ ImageImage
The Puerto Rico flag mural item is underway. Finally.
The year-long controversy In a nutshell :
City & opposing neighbors: “it was painted under wrong type permit, isn’t allowed in an historic district”
La Placita: “#Miami issued that permit & should honor it👇🏼⏩
This is the permit at issue👇🏼 with which La Placita commissioned Puerto Rican artist Hector Collazo Hernández to paint the mural, the first in the U.S. of his series in PR, “78 Pueblos y Una Bandera”

@WPLGLocal10 #Miami Image
Read 6 tweets
Oct 6th 2019
#UMM: Is now a good time to remind everyone that RON JOHNSON is the CHAIRMAN of the Senate Homeland Security Committee...?

You know, the committee that oversees DHS, the department in charge of SECURING OUR ELECTIONS...
#FLAG: In April, Sen. Ron Johnson was confronted about Russian election interference and DHS's primary role in election security and preventing it.

He claimed he cares about Russian election interference, but quickly downplayed it.

"Let's not blow this thing out of proportion."
#NOTE: As Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Johnson has not held a single hearing dedicated to #ElectionSecurity this year.

Not after the Mueller Report.

Not after DHS leadership was gutted.

Not after reports that it's not a priority.…
Read 6 tweets
Oct 6th 2019
#FLAG: I hate to say it, but I fear there's a reason that Ron Johnson has decided to ONLY appear on @MeetThePress.

He's a critical witness, told directly by Sondland that there WAS a quid pro quo, tied to military aid.

For God's sake, @ChuckTodd, do your homework!

Surprise us.
@MeetThePress @chucktodd Well done, @ChuckTodd.

While it got off to a rough start, and he repeatedly hijacked your platform to spread conspiracy theories...

You did come prepared and pushed back. Thank you.

Full Interview:

@MeetThePress @chucktodd #MORE: For more on Ron Johnson, check out this thread below!

Read 3 tweets
Oct 4th 2019
#REDFLAG: So, it appears, Barr has likely opened a DOJ investigation into the Bidens, as we feared...
#REMEMBER: In May, Trump said it would "certainly" be "appropriate" to discuss opening an investigation into Biden with Barr.

“Certainly it is a very big issue...I have not spoken to him about it. Would I speak to him about it? I haven’t thought of that."…
#REMEMBER: ALSO in May, Barr dodged answering Sen. Harris's question as to whether Trump, or any White House official, has ever asked or suggested that he open an investigation into anyone...

He couldn't quite "grapple with the word 'suggest.'"

Read 4 tweets
Sep 28th 2019
#REDFLAG: If Trump was deliberately withholding defensive aid to Ukraine, in exchange for fabricated dirt on the Bidens...

What is he willing to GIVE China in exchange for fabricated dirt on the Bidens...while he's in the midst of a failing Trade War that's hurting the economy?
#FLAG: Worth noting, Trump and his Republican defenders keep mentioning China...
#WATCH: About a week ago, I flagged my concern that Trump might ask China for help investigating the Bidens... China leverage in trade negotiations, or perhaps even, concessions in exchange.

Today, Trump asked for China's help from the WH lawn.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 17th 2019
#FACTCHECK: Republicans are pushing the FALSE narrative that the FBI didn't warn the Trump Campaign of potential Russian Interference in 2016.

That's a LIE.

The FBI briefed Trump and his campaign in August 2016, once he became the Republican nominee, after Lewandowsi was fired.
#FLAG: After Gaetz and Lewandowski tried to push the LIE that the FBI didn't brief the Trump Campaign of potential Russian Interference in 2016...

Jim Jordan tried to hammer it home.

This is a false narrative that the GOP, Barr, and Trump have all tried to push repeatedly.
#REMEMBER: Both Trump and Clinton were warned directly by the FBI in August 2016 that Russia could try to infiltrate or spy on their campaigns.

Trump has lied repeatedly that he wasn't warned by the FBI...and Republicans have continued to push the lie.

Read 5 tweets
Aug 27th 2019
#FTR: Trump is suggesting that Puerto Rico is a burden on the United States...because it finds itself in the path of another storm.

It's also worth noting that Dorian will likely side-swipe Puerto Rico, and directly hit Florida...which he interestingly doesn't see as a burden.
#FACTCHECK: Yet again, Trump claims Puerto Rico has received over $90 Billion in disaster aid.

That's a LIE.

That's the estimated total they'll need to fully recover.

Congress has allocated $42.5 Billion.

ONLY $14 Billion has actually been distributed.…
#PREVIOUSLY: Trump has a long history opposing disaster aid to Puerto Rico.

Then taking credit when he had to give in...

Read 5 tweets
Aug 23rd 2019
#PASTBLAST: Last month, Trump INITIATED a phone call w/ Putin to offer help in putting out forest fires in Russia.

"They're having massive fires in their forests...I just offered our assistance because we're very good at putting out forest fires frankly."
#HMM: Wonder why Trump HASN'T offered Brazil any U.S. assistance in fighting the thousands of fires in the Amazon Rainforest?

Is it because he supports President Bolsonaro's anti-climate change/pro-deforestation policies? Or because Bolsonaro isn't Putin?
#FLAG: Knowing that other leaders plan to discuss the #AmazonFires and ways to pressure Brazil at the G7...

Trump reaffirmed his support for the pro-deforestation leader.

He told Bolsonaro we "stand ready to assist"...but exerted no pressure/took no steps to protect the Amazon.
Read 3 tweets

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