#Pneumonia alone killed more than 800 000 children in 2017, accounting for 15% of all deaths of children under 5 years old.
It’s the single largest infectious cause of death in children 🌎🌍

bit.ly/2X7sJWL #WorldPneumoniaDay

1⃣The viruses & bacteria that are commonly found in a 🧒's 👃 or throat, can infect the lungs if they are inhaled
2⃣Via air-borne droplets from a cough or 🤧
3⃣Through blood, especially during & shortly after birth

💉 Immunization
🥕Adequate nutrition
🔥🥘 Reducing exposure to indoor air pollution
🏡 Improving housing conditions
🚬 Avoiding smoking near children

The antibiotic therapy must ALWAYS be prescribed by a qualified healthcare professional.
Half of those deaths are linked to #AirPollution.
Let`s STOP pneumonia. It`s time to #BreatheLife.

Evidence shows children are dying from preventable diseases, like #pneumonia, because effective interventions are not provided equitably across all communities.

🤱 breastfeeding
🍐 nutritious food
🏡 a clean environment
Ensuring that families have access to health services and the right medicines is also essential.