monoculture during the early days is something you can GET AWAY with. it is a crutch, it may even be unavoidable, but i have seen no convincing evidence that it is desirable.
Yes, you will need to invest more earlier-on in things like levels, bands, inclusive job descriptions etc.
No, you may not able to work your team into the ground and rely on making them live under their desks to compensate for your shitty planning ability.
The way you need to construct a team, a company, an organization to make it diverse is the way you should be fucking doing it in the first place.
A fresh, motivated 35-40 hours of engineering a week will outperform a zombie 80 hours/week any fucking time. (And they'll do less stupid shit because they aren't a fucking monoculture.)
Wait long enough and your company may literally never recover.
I guess we should all thank the ones who do, for saving the rest of us time.