2018: Trump Jr. Should Be 'Concerned': Putin Ally's Wiretapped Calls Sent to FBI, Says Spanish Prosecutor
Trump opens up Camp David as an ‘adult playground’ to woo GOP lawmakers during impeachment
Navy Is Said to Proceed With Disciplinary Plans Against Edward Gallagher
Some Pacific Island Nations Are Turning To China. Climate Change Is A Factor
Beijing has vowed to stay in the Paris Climate Accord—battle for influence btwn China & the US & its allies begins
Putin gloats over impeachment probe as Ukraine gets dragged through America's political mud
Colombian diplomats spill the beans on ‘destroyed’ U.S. State Department in secret recording
CH attacks US at G20 as the world's biggest source of instability
Docs show that at least one of the calls was set up by Madeleine Westerhout, who at the time was WH director of OO ops, suggesting the connection was facilitated by Trump.
“Of course the Russian efforts affected the outcome.”
📌Surprising even themselves (RUs), they swung the election to a Trump win.
📌To conclude otherwise stretches logic, common sense, and credulity to the breaking point.
A speech by Mr. Barr last week, in which he argued that Mr. Trump had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed a group of lawyers that they felt compelled to push back publicly.
Nearly 100 pages of documents, including emails, were released by the watchdog group American Oversight late Friday.
The Snowden op which smeared/bashed our intel agencies, was actually a deflection from the massive personal data harvesting op engineered by tech giants.
The head of Naftogaz said the political campaign to remove him from office may not yet be over. “Some pressure does probably exist.”
H/T @JaneToppan
That ‘info’ came from a former Ukrainian prosecutor (Shokin).
It was passed on to Trump allies by a URN oligarch who is under U.S. indictment: Dmytro Firtash.
Moscow’s Gold: Russian Corruption in the UK
Eighth Report of Session 2017–19
Judge Manuel García-Castellón is probing whether an elite military group known as Unit 29155 carried out actions aimed at destabilizing the region during the separatist push
H/t @raventerp100
Top military officials threatened to resign or be fired if their plans to remove Chief Gallagher from the SEALs were halted by President Trump, administration officials said.
"The US is broadly engaged in unilateralism & protectionism, is damaging multilateralism & the multilateral trading system. It has already become the world's biggest destabilizing factor”
Current and former officials said in impeachment hearings the president held up aid to Kyiv to push probes into Joe Biden and his son
When floods arrived this month, a project to block out the sea wasn’t ready, slowed by corruption and bureaucracy
Beijing has vowed to stay in the Paris Climate Agreement. The diplo reconfig in the region has opened up a new front in the battle for influence btwn China & the US & its allies
Watch: Orphaned Baby Giraffe Befriended by Anti-Poaching Dog
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November 23, 2019
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA