~Common Money Blocking Beliefs & How To Beat Them~
This thread is for you if:
☹️You stress and struggle with money.
🥺You struggle to pay your bills no matter how much you make.
😞You want to make more money but you’re tired AF
Your brain creates a pattern or strategy when it comes to money.
Our money patterns are created from our past experiences, how our parents handled money, & even our generational beliefs & ideas about money.
1. Constantly Stressed About Money
2. Terrible Spending Habits
3. You Just Hoard Money But Never Actually Improve Your Lifestyle
4. You’re Constantly Chasing Money
Your subconscious mind is constantly recording your feelings, thoughts and environment.
So when a bill comes in and you freak out your mind is still recording this response of stress & worry in the background of your mind.
So if your mind has ‘decided’ that money equals stress then your subconscious will try to avoid money no matter what.
Your subconscious mind is now programmed to save you stress and worry, which means keep you away from money.
Your brain is actually blocking you from money.
No amount of affirmations, crystals, payday loans, sales or even spells will get you where you want to be.
Or even if people take financial literacy classes or are highly educated about money they’re still broke.
Fear of Money > Knowledge of Money
Your subconscious mind is holding on to the following negative beliefs.
1. I Don’t Deserve Money
This is linked to your childhood or shame from past bad financial decisions.
Solution: Build your money confidence by...
Review the list at the beginning of each month.
2. I’m Just Not Good With Money
Solution: Start tracking everything. Check your bank balance every day and say thank you.
Make money your bff that you check in with
Solution 1: Say thank you whenever you pay a bill.
Solution 2: Whenever you buy something or swipe your card think “there’s more where that came from”
This will train & rewire your brain’s neural pathways to associate paying your bills with feeling good
Solution: Start expecting the best. Make money your destiny, expect that no matter what you do you’ll be rich.
Doubts or low expectations will manifest uncertainty & limited results.
You get what you focus on.
If you believe that those who are wealthy are undeserving & unethical you are blocking money coming to you because money has ears.
Solution: Stop pocket watching & stay in your lane.
Focus on the value that YOU provide in exchange for money.
For example, I know that the apps we build for our clients will make them 6 figures in one year so we charge them accordingly.
The best way to take them is to face them head-on.
You can use this thread about limiting beliefs: