It is stenography.
It is being an active participant in spreading propaganda.

From @pewresearch last year:
Western Europeans have a strikingly negative views of Trump. And worldwide, people think we aren’t very important anymore………
Stop treating Trump campaign rallies as though they were presidential and newsworthy.
They. Are. Not.
Report that he went, how much it cost national taxpayers, how much it cost local taxpayers.
Include his Full Word Salad statements + fact checks.
Compare and contrast.

“They got rid of the lightbulb that people got used to. The new bulb is many times more expensive... And they’re already making the old bulbs....”

Create a database of the standard tropes and the data that counter them.
The NEWS would be if he says something truthful.
So. Just. Stop.
Read and hire @jayrosen_nyu
So. Just. Stop.
Read and hire @jayrosen_nyu