*name suggested by clever Twitter Peeps.
I read the Impeachment Report to Accompany H. Res. 775
Ready for some nerdy fun?🤓 Let’s dive in.
Spoiler: Yup, Trump committed “multiple federal crimes.”
There. Now you're caught up.
First, the report reminds us that it isn’t necessary for behavior to meet the elements of a statutory crime (see link in Tweet #1).
(pp 120-126).
If you wondered why the majority decided to call Trump's behavior "abuse of power" instead of bribery, the explanation is in this report.
His behavior went beyond bribery and betrayed national security interests.
(pp 126-127)
Here you see Cornyn drawing a false equivalence, claiming
that Democratic Senators running for president are similarly seeking to remove a rival for a political benefit.
[Narrator: Will that satisfy the "Where's the Crime?" crowd? Answer: Noooo.]

This is a favorite GOP talking point: Trump had the right to do it, so he can’t be impeached for it.