A topic Social Science seems to not see, but I believe is key to understanding what’s going on.
(I’m riffing extemporaneously here, and reserve the right to refine and improve this argument as I think about it more):
[6 and 7, together, provide the basic knowledge that explains why 1-5 are essential.]
It is a siren song.
Each white blood cell, on its own, is vulnerable to the virus.
A breakdown in any one or two of them can allow the virus to strengthen and overwhelm the others.
With hindsight it can be traced backward in time from today’s wokism to the cultural revolution of the ‘60s, and The Great Society. Before that The New Deal. Before that the progressive era.
“We are the ones we have been waiting for.”
Replace the insufficient knowledge of human nature and of human history with sufficient knowledge.
Not to indoctrinate, but to provide the common foundation of knowledge that is the basis of understanding from which *healthy* debate can proceed.