So, you'll now have to deal with 2 crises: the actual thing that caused the crisis, and the subsequent ill-thought response to it.

1. Be sensitive and emphatic
@NativeMag should not have started this write up by posing as the good guys. I mean, we have receipts that whatever home work you did was really not thorough.
Otherwise, the first thing that world class team should have envisaged is that the location was obviously not ideal for the expected crowd.
The first paragraph is a dead giveaway that preparation was shoddy.
"...we planned to follow through..." means that you in fact DID NOT follow through.
"...we've heard feedback..." shows that you didn't take responsibility for what happened in the past.
It's also part of being emphatic. You have not apologised to the people who may have been hurt, yet you are using their pain to show that you learnt a lesson.
Wrong timing for that epiphany. Could have come much later after tension reduces.
When @NativeMag eventually apologies in this document, they say sorry to the media first. Terrible move, and perception.
Who are the friends and fans? How about you say sorry to those who were there!
First of all, N.B in a press release? What, is that an after thought?
Then, if that was an attempt at protection from lawsuits, I'll allow the lawyers tell us if live tweets from the event location, with pictures does not suffice.
In an attempt to protect your organisation when dealing with a crisis, you end up being worse off if care is not taken.
Don't get carried away by the glitz, brawn or bravado of any industry: if you deal with human beings, then you should have a Public Relations professional in your corner.