Cyprus Police & Prosecutors desperation in trying to convict the young British woman accusing her of lying of 'alleged' Gang Rape 'protect' their tourist reputation of #AyiaNapa being a 'safe party town'…
Cypriot Prosecution/Police are feeding false info to the media to wave opinion on the girl !!
"She said evening STARTED from 0030 with pre drinks, chats, getting changed,make up on etc)
..then went to room"
As stated many times
she only consented with her then partner..who she 'trusted'
She did not agree to consenting sex with others or being filmed !!
Then a group of Israelis(his friends) rushing into the room with her saying
NO ! ..GET OUT ! ..NO !
..which entirely sets the scene as to what happened when the possibly edited recording ENDS!
so no one other than the
Media & the Cypriot Court is aware of this !!
Setting the scene to what happened from pathologist,non consenting videos & statements
they do NOT waiver in all 3
3 statements tell same event with NO inconsistencies contrary to what Prosecution/Police want you to read
"Sam told her to lie on the bed & he said “its fine, its fine” then he quickly moved his knees on to her shoulders (pinning her down)...."…
"His penis was so far down the teenager’s throat that she couldn’t breathe"…
(They took turns one after another..three condoms was found with sperm inside)
..Sam let go of her for a second
..She ran out & some followed her
..Two men tried to block her" !
"I have never been so scared in my life....I was screaming & shouting & hysterical.I was so scared I passed out twice"
his position is that the teenager WAS subject to rape"
Whatever the verdict you can be rest assured it will leave #Cyprus #AyiaNapa having to answer many questions about her appaling treatment
daily, weekly, monthly !!
They are trapped, passport removed & told to stay there missing Christmas & NYE with family
Have them in your thoughts everyday as there alone and been dealt a cruel hand 💔…
This has been regular for the girl where lie after lie continues to be put in certain Cypriot & Israeli media outlets since July !