But the thing is Suede threw himself into this blender, then turned it on. He's not someone who got blindsided as collateral damage. He participated. So this tack is...mmph. Eeenh.
This is basically setting the stage that he chose right over wrong.
Wrong here = Courtney.
It's an appeal to sympathy and morality that tries to remove the question of racial or other bias from the proceedings to present these poor people as having to make a hard, but *right* decision.
It's manipulative.
Y'all, racists have a conscience too.
And they think they're doing the right thing in discriminating.
Conscience means nothing.
This is the major question that's bugging a lot of people, and that keeps getting danced around.
What representation? Whose? What is "diverse" here?
What constitutes "outsiders?" Non-RWA members, or just non-Board members?
did you read policy tho
(Policy screenshot nabbed from @TheLizLincoln's tweet.)
Everything in policy says that the medium of the exchange made the accusations not credible or RWA's business; the case should've been thrown out.

This is a policy gap that needs to be addressed, because it allows the president and board to stack the slate.
There should be a general election. By members.
Nothing addressing why the previous committee was treated so grievously they were forced to resign in protest?
What happened in the process that led to formation of a secret committee?
You basically just admitted to legal liability.
No paper trail = you can't be trusted by outside orgs.
You expect people to buy your trust, you need to be trustworthy.
@O_Waite has exhaustively documented multiple complaints that never even made it to the committee.
Others have spoken about *years* of reports that were ignored/dismissed.

So the only thing consistent seems to be disinterest.
That is a bold-faced lie.
Because the only time a case of racism was investigated, it was when a white woman claimed a WOC committed racism against *her.*
Darlings, Jim Crow legally ended quite some time ago.
And please don't pretend that second vote wasn't an emergency response to backlash.
We know who the complainants are.
Suzan Tisdale and Kathryn Lynn Davis.
So confidentiality and integrity here exist only to protect the members of the super-secret ethics panel.

Except...the former ethics committee and many RWA chapter heads and other Board members are taking a drubbing on their behalf.
They didn't sign up for that.
"Well, we would do the right thing, but we're so committed to *policy* because we're so righteous, and that's a higher moral standard."
It's not.
Your policies are flawed, and you have a chance here to step up and make right since you've already fucked policy anyway.
Do what's right.
a.) There was no real apology for anything other than a delay in responding.
b.) There was no accountability for mishandling; in fact, utter denial of mishandling at all.
d.) Members have been vocal in demanding many things, including refunds for dues and RITA entries. That was not addressed.
e.) Neither was preemptive revocation of membership for people who intended to let lapse, vs. cancel.
The recall vote.
Nothing was said about it, but preemptive revocation of membership affects numbers so people *can't* qualify for a recall.
Why wasn't that addressed at all?
Basically it's a bunch of "it's not my fault, it's *policy*" hand-wringing and appeal to sympathy.
If that's your policy, throw out your fucking handbook.
Nope. Nah. I'm done. And better people than I have already addressed that in detail.
My head hurts.