"There was less left to do at Justice than at GAC, Finance or PS, so of the most senior ministers, it made the most sense to move you."
"That is the truth, and it is what we will say" #cdnpoli #JUST #SNCLavalin

• PM: “Dream job” for Jane in Health. Had to switch her from that.
• “There is no way this”
• “I love being MOJAG. I’m not going to lie. IS is not my dream job. I’m not going
to lie about that.”
PM: “I know it is not your dream job but it is core to this government to maintain a legacy and to be crass about it to our political legacy.
• JWR: “I feel I’m being shifted out of Justice for other reasons.”
#cdnpoli #SNCLavalin #JUST
• PM: “We would not be doing this if it weren’t for Scott’s decision.
• JWR: I don’t agree. That’s not how we change people’s lives.
• PM: “After an election, everything is fresh again.”