The aim is to be objective, so there will be no screaming etc!
Why on twitter
1. I would like it to be public
2. Easy to share images
As a concept SMRs are a positive initiative, polypharmacy should be addressed.
If PCNs cant recruit CPs who will do the SMR? Are PCNs allowed to say No to SMRs if unable to recruit CPs?
So please stop this nonsense to switching meds based on this flimsy argument. Evidence the example.
What work / review GPs should to drop in provide the "Considerably Longer than average GP appointment"
Metric 1; QoF under a different name. Will not increase Quality.
Metric 2; Need to define the impact ( not included in the spec document)
Metric 3; This is a totally wrong priority - must be removed!
Metric 4; anti-microbial rarely Rx long-term!
Reading the title has put me off, what is Enhanced and Non-Enhanced ?
Is the aim of #PCN spec promoting 2 tier treatment ? People nursed in care homes to get Enhanced care & People living in their own home reduced care - Really!
Not that i am against providing extra support to people in NH/RH etc, but people not included in the scope may actually benefit more from Enhanced Service!
How are GPs expected to include all other partners with no contractual commitment to #EHCH ?
I did not realise, as a GP, i can assess
1. persons' care needs,
2. Perform OT Assessments
3. Deliver Physiotherapy sessions.
4. Complete social assessments.
It is truly insulting to my OT, Nursing, Physio & other colleagues - dont like it :(
All the above tweets about EHCH may give people an impression that I am against EHCH. I am not!
I think GPs are not the right people to lead EHCH programme. NH/RH teams who looks after people 24/7 should be empowered + Funded to lead on it.
I would propose: EHCH should be led by Care Homes, co-ordinate MDTs / Care needs, rehabilitation etc.
Invest in Care Homes, train the staff via NHS Leadership academy to deliver EHCH 🙏
Clinicians GPs, Nurses, OT, provide their input based on their expertise.
I have particular concerns on the allocation of personal budgets. CCGs / ICPs / ICSs are interpreting it differently, especially when it comes to funds allocation!
2. The person should make the decision on what is best for it not what is available in the region.
3. The allocation approval process need to be 1-Click.
👇👇 statement is a get out of jail clause!
NHSE need to mandate CCGs to approve PHB request received via #PCN not cross examine & refer to accountant!
Message: rewrite it!
We must resist the temptation of medicalising normal life phenomenons. Life is challenging, complicated & personal. Support not prescribe!
If each spec has to have its own CD we will end up with 5K+ CDs.
1 session / week = 20K+ sessions / year = £7M @ 350/session - Really!
Can we not work as grown ups?
I have done it for myself & not for anyone else. I do not have influence at any level to enforce #PCN spec changes suggested in the above thread😊