Suggested #2020NewYear Resolutions
#1: Register new voters
Only 58% of the eligible voters in the US voted in 2016.
If you live in the US and you're able:
💠find those who dislike Trump,
💠help them register, and
💠get them to the polls.

Resolution # 2: Get involved. Pick a few things off my list⤵️
I'm committed to voter protection legal work this year.
What will you do?
As @selectedwisdom explained, one goal of active measures is to “undermine democracy, to make Americans lose confidence in democratic institutions.”…
I get these⤵️questions so often that I added an FAQ page to my blog.

If you’re worried about those questions, click on my FAQ page, read my answers, take a deep breath, and then click on the ‘things to do’ button at the top and turn your anxiety into constructive action.…
Susan B. helped create the democracy we have, and she risked her life as an abolitionist, so she sets the example of the work it takes to preserve democracy.
Here you go⤵️
Trump awakened us from complacency and spurred us to treasure our democracy and take the necessary steps to preserve it.
Best wishes for a good New Year to all my followers.
2020 will the year we make voting cool again.
People are trying to wear you out and discourage you. They pick fights. They ask you for evidence to support what you are saying.
My problem is that they constantly ask me the questions I posted earlier. But so do people genuinely worried.
On the other hand, just before the 2018, my nieces and nephews in Texas skyped me into a birthday party . . .
I suspect my nieces and nephews were like, "There Aunt Teri goes again"