Orga is engaged in a disinfo campaign to spread lies about what happened. So it's time to Correct the Record.
They seem to have no interest in addressing these points, and instead just keep repeating their lies. So here we go.
Truth: Both of our faces and hands were completely bloodied by their assault. I was deliberately choked and my face pounded into concrete, my friend kicked several times in the face. The police have lots of pictures.
Truth: The video shows us trying to leave. You have to go inside from that area to get to the exit. We were prevented from leaving. We were given 5 minutes to leave, we tried to leave after 2-3 minutes.
Truth: maybe if they're pregnant LOL wtf is this one
Truth: I was told not to register an assembly this year, which I did not. I was never banned from anything. We used unregistered assembly space this year. And my friend? Never even told not to register, why did he get attacked?
Truth: Never in my life has someone called me a nazi until after this happened. I'm not any kind of nazi, yet people are spreading that I am literally calling for the mass murder of minorities. Not true.
Truth: I started taking video after the "I'm not on the internet" girl put her hands on me. The video we did recover was thanks to heroic actions by my friend. They REALLY REALLY did not want evidence of their assault getting out. Oops