So let me say this: change never happened in this country from a polite march down a permit-sanctioned path with a pink hat and a sign.
You want to make a difference? You're screaming about "why isn't everyone in the streets?"
Here's what to do:
And don't fool yourself or anyone else into thinking that a feel good event stops anything or changes it or sways any undecided minds (white supremacists don't give a shit) or has any impact.
A pink pussy hat and a sign isn't sacrifice.
Anyone who's thinking that white women need a "gentle" introduction to civil disobedience after the last three years of this bullshit is more interested in catering to white women's feelings than in real change.
And if that's all you're going to do, or ask others to do, just know that you'll actually have enabled inaction instead of what you think you're doing.
I'm not interested in making anyone feel like it's easy. It's fucking not. The fascists don't care if our entry to activism is "easy." They care about warmongering and killing people of color.
Start worrying about how little access everyone else has to justice, and leverage your fucking privilege toward THAT.