Feeling down about all of the negative media clickbait about #KETO during the January diet season?
Cheer up! Here are four powerful proof points that #KETOisWinning
#1 People know results when they experience them. #KETO has left every other diet in the dust.

Proof point #2
The science is powerful and growing.
@davidludwigmd's tour de force on the state of the science here academic.oup.com/jn/advance-art…
So many promising mechanisms to explore.
So many studies underway.

Proof point #3
Doctors are excited, collaborating, and spreading the word. For many, #KETO nutrition therapy is finally fulfilling medicine's promise of healing patients.

Proof point #4
Capital flows into companies in big markets with winning products. #KETO is so superior to the pharma model on every dimension, investors who care about public health and making money are piling in.