A middle aged woman with PMH of HTN is brought to the ED complaining of dysuria, decreased urination, and malaise.
She is hypotensive with MAPs in the 40s initially and receives 4L normal saline with improvement in MAP. 1/x
(Borrowed #ogitorial format)
A ok
B mild⬆️WOB, home CPAP
♥️ MAP 66 no pressor
D avPu
E oliguric (<10 ml/hr)
U Preserved LV/RV fxn
L creat 5.9 from 0.9, UA: pyuria
Cap refill time is 5 sec.
Ref jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/…
Meanwhile, RN says “nephrology wants NS at 150/hr”

Herein lies the #zentensivist approach: fully attentive, minimally invasive. After initial #POCUS assessment, no tech was necessary!