But what does it mean?
What's the good, the meh, and the missing for #ClimateAction and our work to #StopTheMoneyPipeline?
We lay out out here -> blackrocksbigproblem.com/post/our-in-de…
& in this🧵1/
And BLK still has to do more cuz we're in a #climatecrisis! 2/

What BlackRock announced:
- Priorities mapped with UN Sustainable Development goals
- Use performance indicators and clarify expectations
- Joined Climate Action 100+
- Increased transparency on voting & engagement
How will BlackRock push fossil fuel and fossil-adjacent companies to align operations with a net-zero world?
- How does BLK define ESG? Does it align with Paris?
- How does it define "sustainability"?
- How will it protect against greenwashing?
- Will it aggressively market these funds to assure uptake?
Fink said he wants to create “Sustainability as Our Standard Offering” & fundamentally reshape finance, committed to offer sustainable versions of BlackRock flagship model portfolios, and hints at more. 16/
Will BlackRock disclose its own exposure to climate risk across its entire set of portfolios, both active and index?