@NLawBizTech @DanLinna


How are they going to keep the tool's data up-to-date? They're using data and tools from @thomsonreuters.







The tool is "not legal advice," but it should help mitigate the risk of using #AI systems.
side note: the interdisciplinary nature of the #InnovationLab is awesome. Truly, #interdisciplinary teams are the future (if not the present) of effective legal problem-solving teams!


#NLawCS @NLawBizTech

John Albright, another judge, recommends, "start with a clear definition of the problem that you're solving for."

Great work teams. Thanks for all who came out for tonight's event!
Thank you @danlinna, @ProfDSchwartz, and @KJ_Hammond for running a great #InnovationLab 2019!
Good night everyone!