It has become a farce, only with no laughtrack.
The star of the farce: Bernie Sanders
His personal record is abysmal and he only ever improved when forced.
That should bother everyone except Klansman and Nazis.
That alone disqualifies him in my opinion, but that is hardly the end.
He answered those criticisms by hiring Symone Sanders & Nina Turner to become the racial face for the campaign.
Sanders would spend months after the 2016 trying to deify the apparently monolithic white working class and argued that most drug dealers were black.
You just don't.
It is important to note here that Sanders public political rhetoric often clashes with the practices he employs in his personal life and his hiring practices for his staff.
Think about that.
Worse than the worst Republicans. I don't even know how you do that.
Sanders' behaviour and treatment of women candidates he is running against is consistent and troubling.