24 yrs since this one fell, during the worst phase of terrorism in Kashmir - to be immortalized forever

Col HS Dhingra, AVSM, who commanded 13 Kumaon 'RezangLa' in 1962 war.
Passed away on 30 Jan 2015.
Couldn't find a photo of his, but here's a video of the man talking about the war during the inauguration of a memorial for his fallen men
Sepoy Balaji B Ambore, Sepoy Dhavale Ganesh Kisan, Naik Mane R Shamrao, Gunner Thamothara Kannan and Signalman Deva Haza Bhai Parmar of 56th Battalion The Rashtriya Rifles.
Martyred this day three years ago in a avalanche in Machhil, J&K

Martyrs of Chhattisgarh Police for the month of Jan.
Nothing short of a war has been going on out there.

Martyrs of 5th & 6th Battalions, The JAT Regiment, remembered on the occasion of their Raising Day

Martyrs of CRPF - 01 Feb
From Kashmir to Manipur - wherever there's been trouble, these good folks have shed their blood to ensure that the writ of the State prevails.
God Bless them

A tribute by the life partner after her angel fell from the sky and breathed his last.
God bless her, and her fallen angel
And she didn't sit in idle mourning for too long. She went on to don the same uniform that her life partner so loved.
A tough breed, this, the fauji wife.
God Bless!
Hav Kamlesh Singh, Nk Balveer & Sep Rajendra. Fell to an avalanche in Machhil this day in 2018.
Second martyrdom anniversary today.

Sub Dilbagh Singh, 17 Sikh.
Fell fighting Pak sponsored terror in the accursed Valley eight years ago

This young warrior from Shivaji Maharaj's lands laid down his life for the nation 16 years ago.

Sepoy Bhaghmalji, the INA veteran aged 95 who took part in the republic day parade last year passed away a week later, this day in 2019.
First death anniversary today.
Cattle die
Kindred die
We ourselves also die;
But the fair fame never dies
Of Him who has earned it
God Bless the Fallen

Today seems to be one of those days when there's no obit to be tweeted.
Hoping it stays thus ..
Capt Kapil Kundu, Hav Roshan Lal, Rfn Subham Singh and Rfn Ramavtar.
Martyred this day two years ago in a ceasefire violation by Pakistan Army in Bhimber Gali Sector in Rajauri, J&K.

Tanaji Malusare - The Lion who captured Sinhgad this day 350 yrs ago
(Photo: His bronze bust in the Sinhgad Fort)

The nine men of 19 Madras lost in Siachen this day in 2016.
The 10th one, Hanumanthappa, would hang on for about a week more..

Yet another CRPF trooper who laid down his life in the line of duty earlier today
These two gunners went down in a blaze of glory, one earning a Shaurya Chakra & the other, a Sena Medal

25 yrs ago - 2 JCOs on the same day in the same engagement - A Huge loss for any unit.

Nk Jadunath Singh, PVC (P), fell this day in 1948 while fighting the battle of Naushera in which the Indian Army held its own against seemingly impossible odds, and turned the tide of the campaign in that sector, ultimately relieving the Poonch Garrison.

Own intel reported that a powerful attack on Naushera was imminent in the morning of 06 Feb 1948.
Brig Usman, who would soon earn the epithet 'Naushera Ka Sher', therefore, postponed the starting time of his planned operation towards Kalal by 1hr.
All picquets were warned to double their sentries & be vigilant.
This proved fortuitous, & saved Naushera from falling to enemy.
A large number of defenders would fall this day, but an even larger number of enemy would bite the dust in the process
The expected enemy attack soon commenced, with concentrated & simultaneous attacks on defences of Naushera at 0640Hr.
Picquets at Kot & Tain Dhar were heavily mortared from 0640 to 0715Hr.
The attackers, estimated to be 3000 Pathans of Swat & Dir and 3000 Sudhans, surrounded Tain Dhar & Kot respectively, & launched a fierce attack with LMGs, grenades & even swords!
Tain Dhar's picquet No 2 bore the brunt of the attack. At 0643Hr, enemy opened fire from their picquet on Taind Dhar Ridge on a strong Indian patrol which was already out from Kot to high ground North East of it.
Simultaneously, the whole Tain Dhar feature & hills on all sides of it came alive with bursts of machine guns & crunching of mortar fire.
The enemy, under the cover of darkness, had crept up to the Indian picquets & defensive positions on commanding features.
When dawn broke, the defenders saw thousands of hostiles creeping up on their positions. In spite of heavy casualties, wave after wave of hostiles hurled themselves at the picquets like an angry sea against immovable rocks.
In fact, on one of the No 2 picquet's posts, three waves of enemy were halted on the barbed wire right in front of the forward trenches.
A party of enemy got through & some of them reached the picquet wall & grabbed the Bren gun in the picquet.
By now, of the 27 men originally manning the picquet, 24 were dead or wounded.
surviving 3 men refused to give up, hanging on doggedly to their picquet.
Soon, two of these three were martyred too.
Now the Post Commander, Nk Jadunath Singh, was the sole survivor.
He still defied the enemy.
With enemy almost inside the post, he met the third attack of the morning by rising from his trench to give battle to the enemy for one last time, ALONE.
Wounded and alone, Jadunath Singh came out of his Sangar, sten gun blazing & charged into the advancing enemy.
Surprised, the enemy fell back.
(The Paki Fauj had perfected the tactic of running away quite early, apparently!)
In the process, Nk Jadunath Singh met a gallant death. However, he had turned a sure shot defeat into a victory as he hung on to his post & bought enough time for Brig Usman to send a company worth reinforcement from 3 (Para) Maratha just in ..
.. time to stop the enemy getting into the post.
Had this company been delayed, the Tain Dhar picquets would have been overrun & the entire defences of Naushera would've become untenable.
This man from Khajuri Village, Shahjahanpur, UP, had done his bit for his nation, at the cost of his life.
His Nation would show its gratitude by bestowing upon Nk Jadunath Singh, the Param Vir Chakra.

Here's the story of Nk Jadunath Singh and his brothers in arms who gave their all that fateful morning in 1948.
God bless their souls.
That day in Naushera, enemy hordes had been relentless, but Indian defenders fought like men possessed writing sagas of collective as well as individual bravery with their blood.
Some of them got to become legends, while a large numbers went unheard. However, this Nation will forever remain indebted to each and every one of them for their stubborn refusal to oblige the enemy that day.
God Bless those that fell that day
For those interested in knowing more about the battle that day, here is the link from my story on the First Kashmir War. Worth a read, if you have a few minutes to spare
CT Ashok Potai, Chhattisgarh Police
Martyred in an IED blast in Kanker, 13 yrs ago

Maj Yashen Ramesh Acharya, Sena Medal (Posthumous).
This Mumbaikar completed his 35 year long journey of that lifetime this day 17 years ago, leading his troops from the front in service of the Motherland in Pulwama.

Major MS Brar, Maha Vir Chakra (Posthumous), 1PARA (4 KUMAON)
Fell this day in 1948, holding defences in Poonch.
It is a huge debt that we as a Nation owe to men like him that Poonch was spared the horrors that visited Baramula and Rajauri in that war.

ASI Markam, Chhattisgarh Police.
KIA in an IED blast in Bijapur, 13 years ago.

Nb Sub Mehraj Din, 5 RR.
This man from Kishtwar fell fighting Pak sponsored terror in his homeland.

General Krishnaswamy Sundarji, a great Chief, the one who executed Op Chequerboard against the Chinese and Brasstacks against the Pakis, the father of Cold War Doctrine ..
Passed away this day 21 years ago

CISF Boys martyred 14 yrs ago
We only see them on airports etc.. not many know of their sacrifices
Chhattisgarh policemen.
Felled in Sukma by 'Gandhians with Guns' this day eight years ago

Maj Gen Atma Singh, the Air OP Pilot who flew over Longewala, guiding own Hunters to targets.
Passed away this day in 2015
Veer Mahars of 13 Mahar, the 'Thanpir' Battalion who've fallen in the service of the Nation

Flying Officer Amandeep Singh Gill - martyred this day in 2001 in a MiG 21 crash in Bhuj.

Chhattisgarh Policemen.
KIA while fighting Red Terror in Kanker, this day 12 years ago

Lt Col Paras.
This 39yr old laid down his life during the deadliest phase of insurgency in Manipur.
It is thanks to the countless Indian soldiers like him that Manipur has been so peaceful lately.

These four BSF troopers of 107 Battalion, BSF fell during anti naxal ops in Malkangiri in 2012

Sardar Sham Singh Attariwala. Fell this day 174 yrs ago in the battle of #Sabraon - beginning of the end of the Khalsa Empire.
Here's his story ..

This day 174 yrs ago, in 1846, a 60 yr old Khalsa General, Sham Singh Attariwala donned white clothes depicting the pure attire of one devoted to death, as he rode into what he knew was his last battle.

Some time earlier, he had dismissed his servants and told them to return to his village with orders to tell his family that he would not be coming home.
Mounted on his sturdy white horse, Sham Singh spurred forward at the head of his Khalsa contingent, into the ranks of the 50th Regiment of the British army facing him.
It was a bloody affair indeed.
The Khalsas fought like men possessed, in a battle for the future of their very lands.
Ironically, #Sabraon & nearby areas were the scene of another epic battle some two millennia ago when Alexander, in his lust to reach the rich lands of India, fed by life giving waters of its holy rivers, clashed with native armies under similar circumstances.
It was an epic battle, worthy of poetic eulogies.
That day, no quarters were asked for, and none were given. Grossly outnumbered, the Khalsas gave an excellent account of themselves and held their own.

The battle could have gone either way that day.
However, at a critical stage of battle, Misr Tej Singh fled back across the Sutlej with his men, destroying part of the bridge in his wake.

Yet, far from being disheartened by this treachery, Sham Singh, along with the last 50 of his men made a spirited charge against the advancing British army.

Needless to say, each and every one of the Khalsas were martyred. By the time the battle ended, the Khalsas had suffered more than 10,000 casualties including the dead and the wounded.
Sham Singh Attariwala himself took seven bullets to his body.
In the words of Andrews Adam,
"Thus saw the Battle of #Sabraon the basest treachery of all opportunists on one hand, and the shining heroism of noble patriots on the other."
In the evening, after the battle was over, Sikhs swam across the river and recovered Sham Singh Attariwala and his men's bodies.
The General's mortal remains were found 'where the dead lay thickest'.
JD Cunninghan wrote,
"Gradually each defensible position was captured, & the enemy was forced towards the scarcely river; yet;
Although assailed from all sides, no Sikh offered to submit, and no disciple of (Guru) Gobind (Singh) asked for quarter.
They, everywhere, showed a front to the victors, and stalked slowly and sullenly away, while many rushed singly forth to meet assured death by contending with a multitude.
The victors looked with solid wonderment upon the indomitable courage of the vanquished, and forebore to strike when the helpless and the dying frowned unavailing hatred."
An assured victory was turned into defeat yet again by the treachery of one of our own.
Else the history, and the present of this Nation might have been much different.
General Sham Singh Attariwala was cremated at his native village on 12 Feb 1846.
As mentioned earlier, it was a battle worthy of the best of the eulogies.
Shah Mohammad indeed immortalized Sham Singh and his men's last stand in beautiful prose.
"They squeezed the blood out of the Whites
As one squeezes juice out of a lemon
If only Ranjit Singh were there,
He would have been proud to see,
How the Khalsa wielded their swords.
If only Ranjit Singh were there,
He would have been proud to see,
How the Khalsa wielded their swords.
Oh Shah Mohammad, without Ranjit Singh,
Such was our plight
We won the battles, but lost the fight."
Former COAS, Gen JJ Singh paying respects to Gen Sham Singh Attariwala at Amritsar, this day four years ago

Here's the account of the battle blogged by me some time ago.
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Martyrs of 16 Bihar.
Remembered on the joyous occasion of the Paltan's Raising Day

Rajesh Saran, 2IC,BSF, died this day in 2012 in a landmine blast in anti Naxal ops in Odisha

^^ Commandant J.K. Khaswan,Subedar Ashok Yadav & Assistant Sub-Inspector Jitendra Sahu who too were martyred in the same op
Hanumanthappa - The #SiachenMiracle man, who succumbed after a heroic stand against impossible odds this day four years ago
God Bless him

Lt Col Gulati and Maj Tahir, martyred in a Dhruv crash in the Valley, this day in 2015.

The other side of Kashmir.
These are Majid & Javed.
On 11 Feb 15, the helo piloted by Lt Col Gulati & Maj Tahir crashed in the hills near them.
These two rushed up & extricated the bodies from the wreckage.

Thereafter they put out fire from the bodies and covered them with their firans.
Had it not been for them the families would not have got the bodies for last rites.
While they were being honoured by a grateful army unit, Majid broke down, saying that even these officers had children and recollecting the state in which their bodies were when they retrieved them.

God bless these heroes. Folks like these give hope that things in the 'Jannat' are not as bad as they are made out to be.

Army soldier Kishore Kumar Munna, injured in ceasefire violation by Pakistan in Poonch sector on 4th Feb 2018, succumbed to his injuries in Udhampur this day two years ago.
Remember him, anyone?

Hav Baljeet Singh, 50th Battalion The Rashtriya Rifles.
Martyred in Pulwama this day in 2019.
First martyrdom anniversary today.
Do take out a moment to say a prayer for him if you find the time.

Capt Nilesh Soni, 62 Field Regiment.
This gunner made the supreme sacrifice at Siachen this day 33 years ago when heavy enemy shelling during a firefight caused an avalanche that buried him.

In remembrance of the CRPF boys martyred this day one year ago in Pulwama.
God bless their souls
Two young men - one just turned 21, another just about 24 yrs old, fell 15 years ago in J&K

Khalsas of Gobind.
Fell in a far away land 31 years ago, giving their all in a barely understood, or remembered war

Gunner Ashutosh Kumar, Paratrooper Dharmender Kumar and Rifleman Ravi Kumar - Martyred in Hajin this day three years ago

Naik Shankar Chandrabhan Shinde of Nasik, Maharashtra, and gunner Maruti Sahadev of Bijapur, Karnataka.
Two brothers.
From different parts of the Nation.
Died in Kupwara for each other, this day in 2016
God Bless them

Maj Satish Dahiya, Shaurya Chakra (Posth)
It is already three years since this Balwan Jat was martyred in Handwara, leading an audacious operation.

Here's Wing Commander Dushyant Vats talking about the Cheetah, not very long ago.
God bless his soul.
Here's a click from Wg Cdr Dushyant's funeral some days later; a snap that most of us vowed we'd never forget; a visual that most of us have already forgotten, right?
Chhattisgarh Policemen.
Felled by JNU loving Red Terrorists in 2012 and 2015 respectively

Wing Commander Oswald de Abreu.
This flyboy from Goa was martyred when his MiG 27 crashed during takeoff in Hashimara Airbase this day in 2010

His last sortie was caught on camera .. a reminder till end of time that the profession of arms is just as challenging during peacetime as in war.
God Bless you, Sir
A tribute from someone who'd seen him closely.
Must've been a huge loss to all that knew him
Maj Chitresh Bisht, Corps of Engineers.
Martyred last yr in Rajauri while defusing an IED, even as you and I raged on in aftermath of the #PulwamaAttack
There are no weekend offs for guardians of the Nation
This 31yr old Doonite was to get married a month later.

'Khalsas of Gobind' keep shedding their blood in lands that his father, Guru Teg Bahadur died for

HC Abdul Rashid, JKP
Martyred this day last year during a joint operation with the Indian Army, in the process of avenging his CRPF brothers who had been martyred in Pulwama.