What happens in Nov. depends on what people do today.
Nobody expected the GOP to convict and remove Trump. The goal was for the truth to come out.
McConnell is a shrewd political operator, but Pelosi is shrewder.
He has weighed what he thinks is least damaging to the GOP.
Pelosi put McConnell into a lose-lose situation.
🔹Option 1: Acquit without witnesses and have everyone see he conducted a sham trial. . .
Acquitting without witnesses means everything that will comes out between now and November will be (rightly) cast as part of the GOP coverup.
He prefers to deal with the devastating drip-drip in the media because the GOP has a well-oiled media-propaganda loop.
Think what was accomplished by this process.
If not for the Whistleblower, Trump’s plan would have worked. Zelensky would have announced an investigation into the Bidens, and Trump would have hammered this. . .
As a result of the impeachment process, Trump’s caper, and the full implications, are on full display for everyone to see.
Keep in mind that @SenAlexander said that the House Managers proved its case . . .
Expect the despair-mongers to be out in droves after the acquittal.
They thrive on opportunities to stir you to rage ⤵️
We still have meaningful elections.
How do you think the Democrats won in 2017, 2018, and 2019?
He knows how to read polls. He saw what happened in the elections since 2016. He knew he needed to do something.
They're a minority party holding on to a shrinking base. America's past was the time of white male supremacy.
The future (if we work hard) will be democratic and diverse.
Sometimes I think American politics is unfolding as it should. . .
The panic and despair we are comes partly from a mistake in thinking.
I get it. I made the mistake myself . . .
I thought the story was written.
Timothy Snyder talks about the story what happens when such a story "breaks."
To thinking this: We're doomed! There's nothing we can do!
Nope. What happens tomorrow is the result of what real people today.
People born after the Civil Rights and women's rights movement inherited an expanding democracy . . .
People who inherit something often think they're entitled, and don't have to work for it.
Nope. We have to work for it. Every day, every year, every generation.

(I practice what I preach. I passed up an opportunity from my publisher this year to write another book Instead, when not writing Twitter threads, I do voter protection work. I’m on the Voter Protection Committee in Georgia.)
Also, he's now totally transparent.
I talked to a friend last night who had just spoken to a few "Trumpsters." He used the word "programed." He said, "They're programed." I thought it was an interesting word choice. Very Orwellian.
Think what would happen if every one of my followers registered 20 new voters.
That's like what, more than 2 million?
Is registering 20 new voters too much to do to save democracy. (Answer: no.)
Ukraine still hasn't gotten the White House visit, but look how much Ukraine benefited from this impeachment.
Operation Ukraine Shakedown failed
More Americans are aware of Ukraine's history and plight . . .