When a House of Congress votes to censure a president, it’s a big deal. It's only been done once in our history.
Here's why I think a censure of Trump is on the horizon.
(My source is the bibliography for my own book⤵️. The story is also here:

So he dismantled the federal bank by moving all the funds to state banks, which were entirely unregulated. When state banks predictably failed, we had our first economic depression.
The debate over whether to censure Jackson lasted 10-weeks. (Ten weeks. Yeah, things move slowly in democratic institutions.)
It looks to me like the rules for censure are the same as any resolution.
It requires only a majority vote.
It’s clear that this Senate will never remove the president. A Senate trial shuts everything down. This Chief Justice thinks his job is to operate the clock.
A strongly worded censure allows Pelosi to:
🔹Publicize Trump’s crimes
🔹publish the evidence
🔹remind everyone that the Senate is in on the coverup, and can’t be trusted to conduct a fair trial.
They won't forget if each time Pelosi gets new evidence, she publishes it with the statement that she can't give it to the Senate because they will just conduct another sham trial and coverup.
She said “Let’s see what the Senate does. The ball is in their court now.”
(She doesn't tip her hand)
I heard it as a dare.
He controls the Senate. But she has stronger pieces on the board. (To continue my metaphor, King Trump has only pawns.) She has evidence, and she's getting more.
It’s all about November 2020.
Pelosi can always say that if McConnell wants to assure America that this time he'll conduct a fair trial they'll consider impeaching instead. . .
The well-oiled Trump-FOX-GOP propaganda loop will dismiss it as partisan—but they don't get to follow up a censure with an acquittal.
No exoneration.
I had just finished writing the manuscript of Andrew Jackson when Trump was elected (weird timing, right?)
At first, I thought the comparison was accurate.
Now I think it is an insult to Jackson. He was everything Trump is, with one exception. . .
Jackson saw nothing wrong with profiting from slave labor or land speculating or stealing from the Native people.
But there was a place he drew a line.
There is a direct line from Andrew Jackson to the Confederacy to KKK and the Trump-Fox-GOP.
Jackson had a lot of support. There was also a strong opposition. We had one of our first real Civil Rights debates over Jackson's Indian "policies."
Censure allows Pelosi to keep the nation focused on Trump's crimes.
Expect a lot of chaos, so that will be hard.
She needs to cut through the noise.
Each new piece of evidence allows her to point a finger at both Trump and the Senate for covering it up.
An election year two-fer.
The past few days, when I try to look at my own threads, they're completely disconnected. Other people seem to be able to read them though.
Sometimes I don't think Twitter likes me.