#BHM #BlackHistoryMonth
Author of:
New World A-Coming: Black Religion & Racial Identity during the Great Migration
Hollywood Be Thy Name: African American Religion in American Film, 1929-1949
African American Women & Christian Activism: New York’s Black YWCA, 1905-1945
Author of:
Dharma Matters: Women, Race, and Tantra (2020)
Dreaming Me: Black, Baptist, and Buddhist ― One Woman's Spiritual Journey
Enlightened Beings: Life Stories from the Ganden Oral Tradition
On Knowing Reality: The Tattvartha Chapter of Asanga's Bodhisattvabhumi

Scholar of Humanism, Religion in Hip Hop, African American theology, and African American religious history
Author or editor of over 40 books
Author of:
Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation (2015)
Reimagining Hagar: Blackness and Bible (2019)
Black Samson: The Untold Story of an American Icon (2020)
#BlackHistoryMonth #BHM #blkaarsbl
Slave Religion: "Invisible Institution” in Antebellum South
A Fire in the Bones: African-American Religious History
Canaan Land: Religious History of African Americans
American Prophets: 7 Religious Radicals & Their Struggle for Social and Political Justice

Author of:
Jezebel Unhinged: Loosing the Black Female Body in Religion and Culture
Womanist and Black Feminist Responses to Tyler Perry's Productions
Black Bodies in Ecstasy: Black Women, the Black Church, and the Politics of Pleasure