Trump’s Self Dealing In Turkey Is Treasonous
Bolton suggests Trump's Turkey policy motivated by personal, financial interest: NBC
Accused Trump “of being motivated primarily by personal or financial interests in his dealings w/Turkey.”…
Trumps tolerance of Erdoğan puts his Turkey business dealings under spotlight - analysis
Trump Towers in Istanbul licenses the Trump name.
Mehmet Ali Yalcındağ Ivanka Trump’s main business contact in Turkey…

What sleazy deal did Trump make with Erdogan? We don't know — but the mind reels
Trump's abandonment of the Syrian Kurds makes no sense — unless he cut a deal with Turkey's autocratic president…
Reminder: Trump Has a Massive Conflict of Interest in Turkey
Why a Trump real estate deal is relevant to his decision to abandon the Kurds.
“Kurdish leaders are being more blunt, saying it qualifies as a betrayal.”…
Trump’s (Insane) Conflict of Interest in the Turkey-Syria Dispute
“shaping foreign policy around the personal financial so antithetical to democratic values, it is worth exhaustively investigating..”…
Behind Trump’s Dealings With Turkey: Sons-in-Law Married to Power
Informal relationships between family members help explain the course of diplomacy between the White House and Turkey’s leader.…