He still claims he was right.
But some anti-vaxxers still support him.
He tested the vaccine on one child in the study without any medical approval.
For kids whose symptoms show up suddenly, it happens at the age of the MMR vaccines, even if they don’t get it.
But the sort of systemic vaccine injury that Wakefield claimed was a fraud, one that led to dropping vaccine rates and rising rates of vaccine-preventable illnesses.
The ableism says that the risk of a severe and preventable illness is way better than the risk of autism.
That’s nonsense and dehumanizing toward autistic people.
The other 11 authors of the 1998 study have all acknowledged the fraud and spoken against “results.”
Wakefield created evidence for them.
One is autistic.
The first statement has nothing to do with the second.
Several years earlier, his vaccine-autism article had been retracted, the findings found to be fraudulent, medical ethics revealed to be violated, and Wakefield stripped of his medical license.
The Lancet retracted the Wakefield article on February 2, 2010, but the harm was done.
All because Andrew Wakefield lied 22 yrs ago, formally confirmed 10 yrs ago.