The layer of Latter-day kingdoms in Daniel's prophetic visions have been divided and rejoined through global conflicts we call the major world wars.
Some light thoughts on Daniel 7.
"behold, the enemy is combined" ~1831
1922 --> Communist U.S.S.R. created out of;
BEAR: Russian Republic
Rib1: Transcaucasian Republic
Rib2: Ukrainian Republic
Rib3: Belarussian Republic
But what happened last Friday is significant if this interpretation is valid - Brexit; we are watching the Latter-day 3rd Beast Kingdom of Daniel begin to collapse.
Don't ignore this. To be continued...
Are you listening?
If you are apathetic towards politics you will never fully utilize the scriptures.
This is Globalism, the "one world government" of the AntiChrist. The stark opposite to Zion - the pure in heart who are unified in TRUTH and Christ.
It is at this point in the timeline of the Latter-day Gentile kingdoms interpretation of Daniel that the Eagle who separated from the Lion begins to face Assassinations of its rulers [presidents]
Im giving the tl;dr version, study them
From the current president [Trump] until Zion comes from above, the presidents of the US will be removed from office by the ploys by warring secret combinations
Coming soon publicly. Happening now.
Now is the time to educate yourself and decipher the deception through the propaganda of media by the power of personal revelation and the Iron Rod.
Here's where I will go out on a limb, because I don't care. I'm a nobody, I'm just sharing what has strengthened my testimony as I have investigated and studied the reality that we call mortality.
All ritual and symbols of kingship are derived from the STARS or HEAVEN.
They imitate and reflect the royalty of heaven - the movement of the Celestial Bodies that were once close to Earth during the Golden [Patriarchal] Age
Daniel will also see the Lord taking the Keys from Adam who 'sets up' the Kingdom and Throne of God.
Let's move on to the wheel and fire aspect of the throne
We now continue in Daniel 7...
Just like Nephi and other recorded visions. I will be brief and wrap this part up, we've gone over most of this already